What does Microsoft’s technology convergence mean for its partners?

Loryan Strant
1 min readNov 8, 2017

In 2015 Office 365, Azure Active Directory and Windows 10 converged which meant that in the same conversation you could talk about desktop deployment & experience, identity management, and productivity.

Flash foward only two years later and we’ve seen some amazing advances within Office 365, several releases to Windows 10, and a lot more functionality added to Azure Active Directory. Beyond that we’ve seen mixed reality, bots and machine learning, IoT, and now quantum computing come into the same conversation.

In a guest post for the Microsoft Partner Network blog I talk about what this technology convergence means for businesses, and Microsoft partners.

Originally published at Loryan Strant, Office 365 MVP.



Loryan Strant

Microsoft 365 MVP, author, cloud guy, thought opinionater, public speaker, distance gazer. Passionate about productivity and life/work balance.